Remember the doming of the spine in plank? You do the same thing here. Do this five to eight times on each leg, each time focusing on engaging all three bandhas.Ĭrane pose is very similar to tiger pose in that you have to draw the knees into the chest to lift the feet off the ground. Use the exhale to draw the knee in and then lift the leg back into down dog splits on the inhale. Draw the belly in towards the spine as you tuck the knee into the chest, lift the pelvic floor, and tuck the chin into the chest.
#Core yoga sequence how to#
This pose works every single muscle in your abs, especially if you can learn how to engage your bandhas (energy locks). As with all poses try to maintain the breath and focus on squeezing your belly muscles every time you exhale. Maintain the alignment in the wrist and shoulder and flex the feet so you can balance with more stability on the outer edge of the foot. The key to holding this pose for longer periods of time is to recruit the leg and upper body muscles.
#Core yoga sequence full version#
You can begin with modified side plank by having one knee on the ground and then work your way into hovering the knee or trying the full version with the legs straight. The sideways version of plank is a great pose to target the external and internal obliques. Continue breathing deeply through the nose and hold for at least 8 long breaths. Imagine drawing in the belly up towards the spine as if you were creating a “dome” shape in the mid and upper back. Make sure your shoulders stack over the wrists and engage everything from your core to your legs. Doing this pose often will greatly improve the strength in both your rectus and transversus abdominis. It works your entire body at once and sets your abs on fire after just a few seconds. Plank is a standard yoga pose that packs a punch. A Vinyasa Yoga Sequence for Your Core Plank Pose Get ready to work your core from every angle with the following vinyasa yoga sequence.

Your core is a long column that connects the upper body with the lower body and having a solid foundation creates more ease and control in all physical activities. Finally we have the internal obliques located inside the hip bones they also help the trunk with twisting motions. Their main function is to twist the trunk. The next set of muscles is called the external obliques and they frame the rectus abdominis along the side body. This is your “six pack” and it moves the body between the ribcage and pelvis. The rectus abdominis runs along the ribs and down to the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. They stabilize the trunk and maintain internal abdominal pressure. The four main abdominal muscle groups are the transversus abdominis, the deepest layer of the abs. Learn more about why you should work on this vinyasa yoga sequence to improve your core strength. Everything you do walk, sit, reach, lift, bend, and stand involves your abs and back. A strong core can mean injury prevention, better digestion, and improved breathing. The abdominal muscles are a complex layered system that works together to maintain balance, stability and support.

Having a strong core goes far beyond the six pack abs that everyone hopes to achieve. How to Target Your Abdominal Muscles with a Vinyasa Yoga Sequence